Tuesday, February 22, 2011

En-masse Consumerism

Lately I have been watching a lot of music videos to gather some new sweet beats for my rather extensive collection, and even if the tunes are great (or not-so much), I'm starting to notice a new trend...

...and it's not a good one.

I recognize that most videos are sponsored and have product placements in them to promote the sponsors, especially with clothing, but really, it's gone to quite the extreme.  Or maybe the entertainment industry has just gotten lazy about hiding the fact that every time we watch a music video twelve thousand brands are being shoved down our throats.  Or maybe they've realized we caught on to their little game of "betcha can't spot the product placement!" and have decided to just blatantly put the product placements out there so as to tell us "we realize you aren't as stupid as we thought" (maybe they need to put more dumb-inducing additives in our pre-packaged sodium enraged foods?)

But I digress, watching these videos is just...odd. Weird. I can't even enjoy them as much as I would like because every ten seconds my mind is thinking "wtf?".

(That's right, I think in computer slang, you try to be so cool and so nerdy all once. I dare you.)

At least some pop stars are noticing the trend and calling the industry out on it, posting their own satirical and ironic versions of music videos infused with way-to-obvious and down-right funny product placements.

Lady Gaga's Telephone, for example is one of my favourites.
Satire at it's best.

As much as I'd like to think the following two videos are trying to be ironic...I'm pretty sure they're serious...and all I have to say is ...really? REALLY? Do you honestly think I'm gonna run out to by
a camera, britney or avril perfume, makeup forever, a SONY flatscreen, or a SONY laptop (never mind the fact that I'm typing up this blog post on one right now..) just because Avril and Britney are sporting them in their mashed up excuse-for-music vids?

Hey, my nails shoot out rainbow paint, do yours? Oh, that sucks...I'm sure you and your boring fingernails can find a man on Plenty of Fish.

Even though Avril is about as punk as my pet cat fluffy, she could at least try...or maybe "What the hell?" is referring to her giving up with her "down with the man" stance....or not, there she goes flashing those h-core middle fingers again.  Oh Avril, you're so 200-late.

Even my new crush, Esmee Denters has some product placements in her otherwise cookie-cutter video.
When good singers make bad videos

Of course these product placements aren't limited to music videos, television and movies have been doing it for ages!  And some shows just aren't as subtle as the others (Biggest Loser I'm looking at you...if you've ever watched an episode, you know it's all about the Brita filter, Trident gum and Subway as your building blocks for losing weight; forget exercise, balanced diet and rest.)

If you didn't catch the product placements, my advice to you is to go back to school, or look up the term "product placement" on wikipedia, and re-watch.  If you still don't get it...maybe you should cut back of pre-packaged and processed foods - just a thought.

For those of you that do (and have caught on to my insurmountable wit and sarcasm), welcome to my existentialist manifesto.

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