Thursday, February 24, 2011

The Conspirist Paradigm

Also known as "Conspiracy Theories 101"

There appears to be a pattern with a conspiracy theories, many of them all center focus on one person, or a group of people, setting out for world domination and using people as their mindless drones in order to achieve those means.  Some are totally plausible, while others are as far-fetched as they come (and manage to be the inspiration for many a television show or blockbuster movie hit.)  I've compiled a list of my most favourite conspiracy theories ranging from the wow-i-never-thought-of-it-that-way-that-makes-so-much-sense, to the totally kookoobananas ones.  I have referenced some in my two previous posts (ten points to the first person that points them out!)

That being said, here comes the list in no particular order (in reality, I'm posting them as they sporadically come to my mind).

1) The Illuminati, dead-set on world domination are controlling people through their media outlets, using monarch programming on popstars, actors and supporting Illuminati mind control through entertainment movies and music videos.
This one has become one of my more favourites recently much in a large part because of The Vigilante Citizen, who posts examples of music videos and movies depicting Illuminati mind control victims and symbols, as well as movies showcasing aspects of monarch programming and mind control.

This video with information from Vigilante Citizen explains far more than I could with words!

2) The world leaders are all actually reptiles from outer space trying to take over the world.
Yes, this is a legitimate conspiracy theory, and not just a plot outline for the series "V".  This is one of those kookoobananas theories.  The videos shown to "prove" that these world leaders (Bush, Queen Beatrice of the Netherlands, among many others) are actually reptiles show many pixelated and most probably photoshopped images of dark eyes and tongues that looked forked.  Guess what?  You can make your own conspiracy theory up and strike fear into naive individuals too if you own a camera, photoshop and a youtube account. Here some atheists make fun of this theory. I enjoy their sarcasm.

3) FDA regulating food in a harmful way and adding fat-additives to consumer packaged goods to make America fatter.
Now this is one I can actually get behind, because, let's face it, the FDA is one of the least regulated administrations and has some of the loosest guidelines than any other country when controlling their food.  Not to mention, America itself is one of the fattest countries in the world.  And while I would like to say maybe the entire nation is just lazy, I can bring myself to believe that with a sane mind,  I can be pretty fucking lazy, but I'm sure not 2000 lbs. (But, I'm also from Canada, maybe shivering in my igloos burns off all the fat?).  The following video has a fun little youtuber explaining the food additive conspiracy theory.

4)  The Bilderburg Group is controlling the world and set on putting the New World Order in place for a one-world government system.
While this could be totally plausible, its also very probable that these bankers, CEO's, and politicans are coming together to fix things the way the U.N. can't (oh my bad, I'm not supposed to insult the U.N., am I?  ...Suck it U.N.)  I'm not entirely well-versed on this theory, the most I've heard about it is from Zeitgeist (the movie...if you are reading this post, dear god I hope you've watched this movie.) and my boyfriends rants.  Here is a video that will explain it to you (and hopefully to me too.)

5)  September 11 and the collapse of the twin towers was actually an inside job.
This is another completely probable theory,  certain videos can clearly outline as to why it would be incredibly difficult for a plane to knock down these incredibly sturdy buildings and how only bombs placed on the inside could get the buildings to collapse on the way in.  Also, if you look at the socio-political time-frame of when this tragedy took place, America needed an excuse to go into the middle-east and get them some oil (Sorry southern friends, guess Alberta's prices are too expensive for you?  Hey, everybody's got to make a living.)  Now what confuses me about this whole shebangalang is the fact that people only ever mention the twin towers...what about the pentagon?  Pretty sure a plane crashed there too.  For further info, check out any of the vast array of youtube videos and documentaries made on the subject.  Anyways, here is a clip describing this particular theory. 

6)  The version of the Bible we have today is inaccurate and missing some integral information - that our homeboy Jesus had a little woman.  
 Made popular by The Da Vinci Code,  many believe that Jesus had a wife, Mary Magdalene, and children, and that the "Priory of Sion" is a group dedicated to protecting the truth of Jesus' lineage., while the Opus Dei of the Catholic Church are trying to suppress this truth.  The conspiracy theory is also called "The Bloodline Conspiracy".  I can't say I'm a huge bible conspiracy theory follower, but I can say that I own "The Da Vinci Code" and "Angels & Demons" on dvd and they are awesome.  If you've got nothing better to do, then rent the movie or read the book and you're in for a load of fun on a Saturday night.  If you want a more "factual" video, check out this: (note: I have not watched this, the trailer on youtube just looked pretty cool).

7)  Global warming is a myth.
Now, I may have many people that disagree with my on this one, but I'm totally behind this theory 100%.  I've seen several reports that suggest that the earth is actually in a cooling phase.  And trust me, if you lived in Canada, and noticed how bloody cold its gotten over the past few years, you'd probably agree. (Fun fact: In December 2009, Edmonton, Alberta was the coldest city on earth *only other colder region was Siberia* at -46 degrees Celsius...I have no idea what that is in Fahrenheit.)  Not to mention the Earth goes through periods of warming and cooling throughout its natural history, and over 31,000 scientists disagree with Al Gore and his global warming theorems.  Video following, and many more are available on youtube!

8) The Jews are trying to land world domination, and the Holocaust is all a lie.
This particular theory really pisses me off, taking the Holocaust and saying it didn't happen and that really all the Jewish people want is to rule the world (C'mon now, they only want to run Hollywood!)  is just ridiculous. Jewish people weren't the only ones massacred in the Holocaust - homosexuals and other deemed misfits of society were taken into concentration camps as well.  It just spreads more anti-Semitic hate crimes on people who don't deserve it.  Next thing you know, the genocide in Darfur didn't happen, and really, they are trying to take over the world too.  I don't have any videos for this one because I don't believe in spreading this, if you've read a history book then you know the truth.

9) The Roswell UFO.
Another classic in the conspiracy theorist handbook,  The Roswell UFO is all about a supposed UFO crash in New Mexico in 1947.  The government is said to have had covered up the UFO crash and taken it all to "Area 51".  This is an oldy but a goody.  Video outlining The Roswell UFO cover-up following.

10) The Mayans predicted the world will end in 2012.
Conspiracy Theories 101 wouldn't be complete without a dip into 2012.  You know, when Hollywood makes a blockbuster movie about a conspiracy theory, pretty sure that shit ain't true.  This theory has been proven false on many occasions  and despite all of the debunking, this theory keeps on popping up with people believing it.  I'm not going to lie, of course I believed in it at first...and then I went to my handy dandy laptop, hooked myself up to the internet and the power of google, and soon realized how silly the whole thing was.  This theory is perpetuated because the Mayan's didn't continue their calendar past 2012, and Nostradamus predicted it as well.  Now I'm not to sure about Nostradamus, but the Mayan's might have been a little to busy fighting off the Spanish to continue there long-term calendar that they  weren't going to use for a couple of thousand of years.

So that rounds up Conspiracy Theories 101, there are many many many I left off, this is just a nice little introduction to get you all interested in the wonderful world of conspiracy theories.  For further information on any of the above theories, see GOOGLE or WIKIPEDIA or YOUTUBE, or run on down to your local video rental store and see what they have kicking around in the documentary section.

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